The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) for the 2022-23 year is scheduled to commence on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 for regular benefits and close on March 15, 2023. The emergency benefit component will open January 3, 2023 and remain open through March 15, 2023. The Furnace Repair/Replacement component for the 2021-22 HEAP year closed on September 30, 2022 and reopened for the 2022-23 HEAP year on October 3, 2022. Although there are established closing dates, they are contingent on available funding.
The Office for Temporary Disability Assistance (ODTA) has developed the 2022-23 State Plan based on federal funding projections for LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) funding. The HEAP benefit amounts have increased this year.
Until the HEAP program is operational, any household facing an energy related crisis will be served through our Temporary Assistance emergency programs.
Regular and Emergency grant applications will be accepted Monday through Friday 8-4pm at the Department of Social Services. Mail-in and on-line application acceptance will be available prior to the opening of the program to households that received a 2021-22 benefit. After the official opening of the program, mail-in and on-line access is available to all households.
As in previous years, the Office for the Aging will accept and process applications for disabled adults and the 60 and over population.
Most households in receipt of recurring Family Assistance, Safety Net Assistance, SNAP and select SSI recipients are categorically income eligible to receive a HEAP grant. Households not categorically eligible must meet gross income guidelines for the month of application.