Calling his time as Stillwater village mayor “some of the best years of my life,” Ernest Martin announced today he will run for a new four-year term in March, 2015.
“I am proud to say, I will be running again,” said Martin, the longest serving mayor in the village’s nearly 200-year history. “The Village has come a long way since I took office.”
First elected as village mayor in 1992, Martin cited as accomplishments during his last four years the village’s new water system and updated sewer system, the new sidewalk project and traffic caution lights near Stillwater Central Schools, and the recent settlement with General Electric over the water system contamination.
“This (settlement) has enabled the village to pay the water pipe line installation loan off in full, which I am most proud of,” he said. “The best thing for the village taxpayers is that the Village of Stillwater is in excellent financial shape today.”
In addition to the mayor’s seat, also up for election on the March ballot are three Village Trustee seats. Two of the seats held by John Basile (Deputy Mayor) and Judith Wood-Shaw carry a four-year term and the other is to fill the remainder of a two-year term now held by Timothy Campbell.