The Stillwater Board of Trustees approved two resolutions Tuesday night (Dec. 16) awarding $642,000 in contracts to the low bidders to make upgrades and repairs to the village’s aging waste water (sewer) treatment plant.
This latest round of work will bring to a close a nearly three-year sewer system overhaul which got under way in early 2012 after a consent decree was issued by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation mandating the capital improvements to reduce the infiltration of ground water into the village sewer collection system.
The initial work, which is nearly complete, involved replacing older sewer pipeline where needed village-wide and at Castle Cliffs, repairing older pipes with an epoxy-coated liner, replacing and rehabilitating various manholes, and making upgrades to some of the village’s eight pump stations, including installing backup pumps in some locations. About 500 feet of pipe liner remains to be completed.
The new work approved Tuesday will focus on modernizing and making structural improvements to the waste water treatment plant itself. The first contract totaling $525,625 was awarded to Kingsley Arms of Schaghticoke and calls for:
- Construction of a new fine screen and grinder, complete with all structural concrete, mechanical components and control systems. Screening is the first unit of operation used at waste water treatment plants, removing objects such as rags, paper, plastics, and metals to prevent damage and clogging of downstream equipment and piping. The grinder reduces the size of solid materials in process so they can be removed during downstream treatment operations.
- Construction of a new splitter box, complete with all demolition, all structural concrete and mechanical components. Wastewater splitter boxes are flow diversion structures located at the treatment plant facility which directs the wastewater effluent flow to two or more clarifiers or filter beds.
- Construction of a new foam control system, complete with pipe, valves, bladder tank, spray nozzles, etc.
- Construction of approximately 120 linear feet of sanitary sewer line
- Retrofitting new motors and impeller on existing pumps at the Main Street pump station.
The second contract for electrical work totaling $116,400 was awarded to Harold R. Clune of Ballston Spa and calls for:
- Furnishing and installing conduit and conductors for plant upgrades
- Furnishing and installing new variable frequency drives at the American Linen pump station
- Installing a new control panel, conduits and conductors at the Main Street pump station
The sewer project is being financed through a 30-year, 0 percent interest “hardship” loan obtained by the village from the New York State Environmental Facilities Corp.
In other action December 16
- Trustees approved the purchase of six energy efficient LED lights for the village ice rink at a cost not to exceed $600. The rink liner has been installed and the rink will be flooded as soon as weather permits.
- Trustees discussed “giving notice” to residents who do not meet the village’s sidewalk maintenance law (enacted in November 2013) and clear snow from in front of their properties in a timely fashion and keep walking pathways safe. Trustees said they were concerned for children’s safety as they walk to and from school, often times in the busy roadway, when sidewalks are not properly cleared. Violators can face up to a $50 fine under the law. The major area of concern is in the north end where the new sidewalk project was installed with the help of a Safe Schools Grant.
- Trustee Ellen Vomacka said she met with village Historian Linda Sanders to begin planning for the Village of Stillwater bicentennial in 2016. Vomacka has agreed to chair the celebration planning committee. The official anniversary date in April 17, 2016.