The village is moving forward on plans to replace the deteriorating Hillside Avenue water tank, approving a nearly $325,000 contract May 15 with a Syracuse company to do the work this summer.
Statewide Aquastore, Inc, was the low bidder on the project with an offer of $324,814 on May 9. The tank, which has corroded on the bottom and reached the end of its service life.
“It’s within the amount of money we expect,” said Trustee John Basile, the board’s liaison on water and sewer issues.
An inspection in 2012 revealed the tank is in need of major repairs. Since that time, the village has attempted to secure state grants to help with the cost of the tank replacement and to install a new water line on Lake Avenue, but those grants were not awarded to Stillwater. The water line portion of the project has been put on hold for the time being so that sufficient funds are available to proceed with the project later on.
The Hillside tank is a necessary part of the water system and replacing the tank is a more financially prudent option than repairing it, engineers have advised. The village has chosen to use a glass-lined tank for Hillside based on the success it had earlier replacing its other water holding tank, the Dick Lynch tank, with a glass liner. Glass versus steel would enable the village to avoid further corrosion and maintenance expenses in the future.
The village has about $390,000 in reserves from the General Electric settlement to fund the Hillside tank replacement.
In other business May 15, village Trustees
- Set a public hearing day of Tuesday, June 19, 6 p.m., at village hall to assess the environmental significance and amendment of the village’s Form-Based Zoning Code. The proposed zoning amendment would exempt for Site Plan Review the connection of necessary utility services in single-family and two-family dwellings
- Reviewed changes and additions to the village’s procurement policy.
Formed a committee to look into various improvements for the village playground and basketball courts on the American Legion property. - Viewed samples of the historic decorative banners that will be hung on village light poles prior to the May 25 Memorial Day parade. The banner were designed by Stillwater High School students.